Molecular Reporter

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Enhanced Chemiluminescent Substrate (Custom fill )

Chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) is an assay that combines the chemiluminescence technique wit..

LifeDireX HTD™ Cytoplasm Stains (1 mL)

The hydrophilic HTD™ cytoplasm targets stains label cytoplasm efficiently. The stains ..

LifeDireX HTD™ Nucleolus Stains (1 mL)

The amphiphilic HTD™ nucleolus targets stains label nucleolus efficiently. The stains ..

LifeDireX HTD™ Plasma Membrane Stains (1 mL)

  The amphiphilic HTD™ plasma membrane stains can label not only ..

R-Phycoerythrin (R-PE) (2mg / 100mg / 500mg (20 mg/ml))

R-Phycoerythrin (R-PE), a fluorescent protein from phycobiliprotein family, is isolated from..

SP-UV1100 Spectrophotometer

With over a decade of expertise in developing, manufacturing, and supplying bio-reagents for l..

UltraScence TMB ELISA Substrate (50MLx2 / Set )

Bio-Helix’s TMB ELISA Substrate, known as 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine, &n..